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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rant for 11-10-2009

My Faith

There is a subject where there are no solid facts and only logic applies. That subject is religion. I was raised Roman Catholic, however, I am not what you would call a “church goers”. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe in God and his teaching. I just don’t believe in organized religion or their teachings.

When God’s messages were being spread around the world, there were neither churches nor priest. There were only common people spreading the word of God to each other. These people had literally nothing, but they had faith in something in larger themselves. A faith that carried them through times that were truly tough and preaching about their faith meant death. They still went ahead and preach because they have faith in God. Slowly the Word spread to every part of the known world at that time. It eventually reaches those in power and shook the foundation of those in power. Their faith had the power of truth behind it. That truth was we are all the same in the eyes of God. A simple beginning for something that has been turned into something ugly because people in power twisted into something for own purpose.

Think about it for one second. What does the Bible really say? I mean at the core of the message is be good to each other because that is what God really want from us. It doesn’t say to judge each other nor commended to each other for our lifestyles. It does say what the results will be in God’s judgment. It doesn’t ask us to take action in his name because everyone will stand before God and face His judgment in the end. People kill in the name of God but that isn’t true. They kill because they are racist; have misconceptions, and misinformation they receive from organized religion. We have certain people preaching from the pulpit to the masses about hate and not forgiveness. Tell the masses to judge each other’s lifestyles and teach non-tolerance of behavior that will be judge by God. Is God so powerless that he doesn’t see what we do and how we behave to each other?

We also have people using God’s name for political power. This is not done to spread the word of God but for own personal gains. These people claim to be servants of God and they live in palaces. They beg the poor to send money to them for their own bank account. They drive Mercedes and BMWs. They live in mansion in the exclusive neighborhoods. They wear Rolexes. They have the nerve condemn other people’s behavior when they are profiting from something that is about acceptance from God. They continue with progression hate and racism. They condemn other religions because it is different from theirs and say it is God’s will to kill those people. Don’t think God is smart enough to know there are many paths to His love? Don’t you think there is no one single path to God’s love but many because we all different?

I don’t judge people’s lifestyles in the name of God. Gay or straight, it doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is how you treat that stranger walking down the street. God wants you to love and respect that person because that is his message. It doesn’t matter what religion you are because that is core of all religion. To respect each other no matter the sex or lifestyles. Trust in God’s judgment when you stand before him because he sees your soul and not what you say with your mouth. Prejudice and condemnation will be judge according to God’s will and not man’s. A murder can ask for God’s forgiveness and receive without someone saying that they have it. Why can’t we follow God’s example and do that for each other?

I don’t believe in organized religion because man is not perfect or incorruptible. I believe in find your path to God’s message in order for it to truly touch your soul. You may need to shown the start of the path but the journey is yours. That is how you get faith in God and yourself. That is how the Word has power. It doesn’t have power if you go to a building and sit in it. It doesn’t have power by singing hymns. You can’t find it by kneeling or bowing when you are told to do it. You find it by taking the journey and traveling that path to self discovery with God’s help. No organized religion or building can do that for you. You have to want it and have to learn from it. You can quote the Bible, Torah, or the Koran until you are blue in the face, but that will only be just quoting. You have to find God’s message for you and it isn’t in a book. It is in those quiet moments when a thought comes to your head that touches your very soul. That is what I believe in and gives me faith.

I believe organized religion has lost its way. They have lost the true vision of what their purposed is for the people looking for the path to God. The message is different for all of us. I believe that reason because we are all different and need different message to bring us to the point of realization of the true message of God. We were given free will for a reason. That reason is to have a choice on how we treat each other in this life and it affects us in the other life. I believe we eventually find it, but it just happens at different times. Look to what God really wants for us to do here on Earth. He wants us to love and understand each other because we are all God’s children. It doesn’t matter where you were born because we are all one family, a family with different views that should help each other to understand each other and not condemn each other for different views of God. God bless you all…