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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

“If I don’t like the game, I change the rules.”

I say that a lot when I get angry because it means things are about to change for the worst for someone. No, I am not angry so don’t worry this is going to be a rant filled with curse words…well maybe a few.

I always lived my life since I come to a self realization that treating people the way you want to be treated only goes so far in this world. You have to get mean sometimes. You need to get down and dirty to get your point across, whatever that point maybe you are trying to get across. You could say that you need to get in mud with the pigs sometimes to show them that they are nothing but bacon waiting to happen.

Anger is a useful emotion if you know how to use it in a productive manner. You could buckle under the pressure or those people you want to change you from who you are, or you can fight. I chose to fight mostly. I am not saying I am unwilling to change certain behavior, but I am not going to change who I am as person so that person can feel good about themselves. Fuck’em, it is their lost in not trying to get to know the person a little before making them a project.

People aren’t projects for someone to change. You either accept who they are or don’t. Simple isn’t it? Case in point, there is someone on the Web I think is a total ass. I mean he does nothing but stir the pot to get his rocks off, but that childish behavior is amusing to some. I find it boring and quite frankly annoying. No, this is person isn’t Dan Slott. Sheesh. He won’t give any more of my attention here unless he does something about it. No, this person, as someone would put it, is an asshat. Those don’t know what an asshat is: You have your head so far up your ass that it is an hat: They think they know everything, but they are not experience to realize that there is more to a single side to a story in the world.

I do get angry with people that I would consider friends. Mostly due to the fact they say the same thing over and over again. I agree with mostly with what they are saying, but saying ten thousand times doesn’t make your point any more valid. I know, I am guilty of this too, but I have right to point this out about anyone or myself. It is my blog bitches.

I also get angry if someone makes me look like an ass after I have taken steps to show that I made a mistake. Let it go already. I apologized and move on. Deal with it on your own and leave me out of it because I see my involvement with the issue being done. Don’t ask, I won’t tell what happen.

Since I broach the subject, you people don’t know who I am really. Sure, some of you talked to me. You don’t know everything about me and there is a reason. I don’t trust anyone completely. Sadly, I did that once and got hurt really bad for it. No, it hasn’t healed because it hasn’t ended yet. Some things are best to keep private about myself and not lay it out there for the vultures to pick over with glee. There other thing not so painful that I haven’t brought up because I don’t want anyone’s fucking pity to shown to me. I really hate when people do that to me. I am stronger than most people realize and tougher than old leather. Battles are fought that will never be won. Wars are won with words and not anger. Life is a painful trip taken by those that have courage to fight those battles and win wars with words.

Instead of posting a rant, I am going to post a schedule of sorts.

Monday: Personal takes on life

Tuesday: Comedy

Wednesday: Political

Thursday: Maybe Comic Book Related

Friday: Repeat Rantings from Delta House until the new one is finished.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In the beginning....comic book related

I didn't have a chance to write anything today. I was a little busy. Here enjoy this repeat rant:

(Clears his throat) Uhm…ccccrrrr….spit

Time for a rant:

There are some that think this place is high point of negativity because there are people that criticize Amazing Spider-man, Brand New Day, and One More Day. They look for the most extreme post that can find and point to it going, “SEE! SEE! NEGATIVE COMMENT TO TENTH LEVEL!” They ignore all the other comments that tend to have some positive comment from the Deltas due to it would ruin their glass world. They also tend to ignore the fact there are some major valid points that Deltas have about current stories. *GASP* They also ignore the fact that some here have been reading Spiderman longer than they have been alive and may know the characters a hell a lot better than they do.

Got your attention yet? No? Let me expound upon this thought.

Putting aside a moment the whole One More Day and all the other things that have happen since the Mephisto deal, are these good stories? No because they have ignored the history of the characters for the most part or used just one aspect of the characters to constantly bash the readers over the head. That is pure and simple bad writing. These characters have become ½ dimensional because they aren’t even 1 dimensional anymore. They have been show to be one note characters that are even interesting to know. Can you honestly say these characters are remotely acting in a way that would be supported by their history?

There are a few people here that have read Spider-man before he was married to Mary Jane. I look upon those times with fondness and hold them in high regard. I really don’t want to live them now because the characters have more beyond those constraints placed upon them by writers that were/are too fearful to explore. Oh Dear God, no one can relate to Spider-man now that is his married….it is uncool. Give me a break. Either you understand it was a natural step for the characters or you don’t. The marriage wasn’t rushed contrary to popular belief. Stan Lee understood this because the guy knows the character a hell a lot better than anyone else. It works if you except it and not worry about making it interesting. Let it happen on its own. It wasn’t a requirement for it to be in every issue nor should it be a requirement for it to be reference in every issue. That was writers mistake to think the readers want it there in every issue.

Now, here we are in a revamped world that is created out personal bias and fear. DC is laughing at Marvel right now because they have more balls to keep Superman married than Marvel has with Spider-man. Instead of doing something that DC is afraid of doing, Marvel tucked their tales and ran over 20 years of story like DC does every once in a while. Bravo Marvel Bravo. You just became DC in that point. While DC is trying to make their stories more interesting to reader by doing stories that go in new places, Marvel is in a stasis of stories stuck in the 70’s with their flagship character. Comparing the two, DC beats Marvel hands down because they have guts to try to do something new instead of reliving the past over and over again with their flagship character.

I enjoy reading a good Spider-man comic. I will admit since Brand New Day there were about six I enjoyed reading, but there were many more that I wanted to toss on the grill to burn. I don’t argue sales numbers because Marvel doesn’t allow LCS to return the unsold copies anymore because that would give a real good indication of how the customers view their product. It must be nice to live in a world where there nothing but sunshine and roses. It is sad to think that writers used Com Cons as point to look at for positive feedback. “Hey, I just spent 1,000 dollars to come here. Let’s go bitch out the Spider-man panel because they really care about what I think!” Right. I really want to ruin my good time with delusions of grandeur that they get two cents about any negative feedback from the fans. Never mind it could help them to write better stories about Spider-man. We just need sit here with a silly smile and chant,”Spider-man is great. Spider-man is great. Spider-man is great.” Like that would be helpful to make the character better.

Make no mistake about it. I think all the characters belong to us, the readers, and not the writers or EIC. We allow them to play in our sandbox. Sure it has a Marvel tag on it, but without us there is no Marvel. Without us these people would not be writing right now for Marvel. We always have the power to change things to how we want them. The people have always had the bigger stick. It is call money. Unless 605 knock me off my feet, I will stop buying Spider-man after 35 years. Thirty Five years is a long time to support a company. One time we were family, but I have also cut off my family when they did something terribly wrong. Marvel mistake, more to the point, the Braintrust mistake was forget the mantra that we are all in this together.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Words of Sort of Wisdom

I know. I didn’t post anything this weekend because weekends are for me to spend time with my son and not typing a long ass rant.

This is going to be about me. The wonderful author of this blog and the type of person I am. I am 41 years old, divorced, and a single father. I see the best and the worst that people can do to each other. I learned that a positive frame of mind goes far as does treating people with a certain level of respect. I offer help to perfect strangers whether it be on the ‘Net or on the street because it makes me feel good. I don’t expect anything from them because I already got it by feeling useful. I believe in a code of honor that is personal to me. I tend to introspective. I just realize this looks like one of those date site things. Ok. Getting to the meat of this rant:

Principles, you must have them or you will never be true to yourself. I am not talking about those principles that we all should have towards each other like respect and such. I am talking about those principles that makes you who you are. In other words be true to yourself.

When you are young, you just want to do everything to succeed at what you’re doing. Sometimes you are willing to make compromises to achieve that goal, but you still have to be true to who you are as a person. For example, I don’t like being lied to by anyone. I really don’t care who you are or what you do. It just sets me off as person. If I can understand why you lied, I won’t be as angry. That is just me. Don’t let yourself be used by anyone by them lying to you.

Don’t let fear prevent you being who you are as person. I learned this one the hard way. I will rarely talk about my marriage, but I am going to this once. One of the reason for its failure, I was afraid of losing my wife. I became something that disgusted me and acted like, lack of a better word, a pussy. That fear cause me to lose who I was person and became something that I am not at all. You have to have the strength to be true to who you are and be happy that you are that person. You will end up looking in the mirror one day and hating that person if you don’t take that little piece of advice.

Don’t get discouraged by mistakes. Think about it for just one minute. You learn more from your failures than you successes. No one is perfect. We should always learn something new every day about ourselves because that is one of the challenges in this life; to be a better you than you were yesterday. If you don’t, you are doomed to repeat mistakes over and over again.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or failure; it is a sign of strength. That is another one of my many failings as a person. I don’t like to ask for help if I am in trouble. I will fight and try to do it all on my own first. I will end up totally exhausted and emotionally spent before I ask for help. Six months after my marriage fell apart for good; I was living on my own and was robbed. My rent money was stolen and had no money saved to cover it. I was evicted and hours away from being homeless. I sat at work and trying to think of way out. My boss came in and saw was going on; this is what he said,” Why did you ask me for help you dumbass? I will loan you the money to get into a hotel until you get on your feet again.” Yep, I was lucky that he cared enough to offer to help me because I would have never asked for it because of pride.

I am not saying that I have all the answers for life and how to live. I am saying that life is a learning journey and must be taken with humor. You need to laugh at your short comings that happen. You need to laugh at your mistakes. You need to go to bed at night knowing that you can laugh at these things because that is how you find the solutions to these problems that come up in life. I am not saying not to be serious about them, but you need to take them on with a clear head without panicking.

Lastly, follow your dreams. I tell this to my son all the time. Let no one stand in your way of dreams and that includes me. My life would be different if I didn’t listen or was pressured to follow my father’s dream for me. You can’t live someone else’s dream. Don’t end up 41 going what if all the time. Live and fight for your dreams never give up on your dream. That is how they come true by sheer strength of will.

That’s it. A little perspective rant and I hope it makes you think about life. God bless you all and go with peace.