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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

“If I don’t like the game, I change the rules.”

I say that a lot when I get angry because it means things are about to change for the worst for someone. No, I am not angry so don’t worry this is going to be a rant filled with curse words…well maybe a few.

I always lived my life since I come to a self realization that treating people the way you want to be treated only goes so far in this world. You have to get mean sometimes. You need to get down and dirty to get your point across, whatever that point maybe you are trying to get across. You could say that you need to get in mud with the pigs sometimes to show them that they are nothing but bacon waiting to happen.

Anger is a useful emotion if you know how to use it in a productive manner. You could buckle under the pressure or those people you want to change you from who you are, or you can fight. I chose to fight mostly. I am not saying I am unwilling to change certain behavior, but I am not going to change who I am as person so that person can feel good about themselves. Fuck’em, it is their lost in not trying to get to know the person a little before making them a project.

People aren’t projects for someone to change. You either accept who they are or don’t. Simple isn’t it? Case in point, there is someone on the Web I think is a total ass. I mean he does nothing but stir the pot to get his rocks off, but that childish behavior is amusing to some. I find it boring and quite frankly annoying. No, this is person isn’t Dan Slott. Sheesh. He won’t give any more of my attention here unless he does something about it. No, this person, as someone would put it, is an asshat. Those don’t know what an asshat is: You have your head so far up your ass that it is an hat: They think they know everything, but they are not experience to realize that there is more to a single side to a story in the world.

I do get angry with people that I would consider friends. Mostly due to the fact they say the same thing over and over again. I agree with mostly with what they are saying, but saying ten thousand times doesn’t make your point any more valid. I know, I am guilty of this too, but I have right to point this out about anyone or myself. It is my blog bitches.

I also get angry if someone makes me look like an ass after I have taken steps to show that I made a mistake. Let it go already. I apologized and move on. Deal with it on your own and leave me out of it because I see my involvement with the issue being done. Don’t ask, I won’t tell what happen.

Since I broach the subject, you people don’t know who I am really. Sure, some of you talked to me. You don’t know everything about me and there is a reason. I don’t trust anyone completely. Sadly, I did that once and got hurt really bad for it. No, it hasn’t healed because it hasn’t ended yet. Some things are best to keep private about myself and not lay it out there for the vultures to pick over with glee. There other thing not so painful that I haven’t brought up because I don’t want anyone’s fucking pity to shown to me. I really hate when people do that to me. I am stronger than most people realize and tougher than old leather. Battles are fought that will never be won. Wars are won with words and not anger. Life is a painful trip taken by those that have courage to fight those battles and win wars with words.