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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Change, Lies, and Spider-man

There are those that have said that the people against Brand New Day Spider-man don’t like change. That isn’t the case because we welcome change when it makes sense to the characters and not for selfish editors. Face the fact that is what Brand New Day Spider-man is all about in the end. It was to make Joe Quesada happy and not the readers. Writers have chosen to embrace this mess and compare themselves to legends in this business. It is really hard to understand that concept due to fact they act like spoiled children being threaten that their favorite toy is being taken away.

It is fact Brand New Day Spider-man sales haven’t match JMS, Stern, or Delfaco’s run in any titles they have written for when they helm the flagship character. You can make the case for JMS being part of One More Day, but I think he understands trying to relive the past is always mistake. You honor it, you refer to it, and you use it to make the stories better and not try to think you can outshine it in people’s minds. The one thing these writers have in common is they respected the fans, even those fans that don’t like their work. Sure, some of them didn’t have deal with the Internet and just have deal with these people face to face. You tell me which is harder? Some words on a screen or a person facing you that didn’t like what you did in whatever issue of Spider-man? These men acted like professionals and talked to these people like they are adults and move on. Compare to the current crew who have chosen to act like fanboys with their panties in a bunch on the ‘Net.

I picked up 612 at my LCS and tried to Bryne Steal it, but I end up setting it down after Electro’s speech. Mark Waid has the subtly of a sledgehammer. That brings a major problem with current version of Spider-man writers. They lack style. The lack the ability to not hit things over the head of the readers like the Parker Luck, Sex, and their personal political stance in every issue of Amazing Spider-man. You want political opinions that are informed and have some basis on fact? Turn on FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or search the ‘Net because you get better view point then those writing Amazing Spider-man. Stan Lee, Ditko, and many others did a story about a current situation happening in America, but they did it with style. They had a light touch of a feather and not a sledgehammer hitting you right between the eyes.

Not being against change of a character, but what is up with Electro’s new look? Really, tattoo faced? Is that the best these guys could come up with to modernize this character? I bet they would try to modernize a classic piece of Americana literature like “Call of Wild” with Buck being a pug dog. While complaining the whole time people don’t get their vision of the character or story. That it is hip and fresh. The problem is that the readers look at them after they make their arsine comments thinking they don’t get them as readers. You don’t have to change a look of a character to make them more appealing to the readers. You can change their reasons for acting like psycho or go back to basics with the character. Back to basic, meaning, you don’t reboot them to making a deal with the devil. You got back to the driving force of their behavior of being a criminal and their hatred of Spider-man. You don’t have them as your mouth piece for a political rant. Get a blog if you want to do that, and you can contact me if you don’t know how to create a blog. Just make a decent, was going to say good but that is asking a lot out of this crew, Spider-man story.

These characters have a rich history that plot thread by the score dangling around them if people just do some research. That is asking a lot from these writers because they would be required to care about these character beyond the stupid version that Joe Quesada has created. Max could be seen as a villain that is trying to get his life in order and takes a job to take out Spider-man for the Karvens for money. You play the human card and keep the overall story going by getting the reader interested in all the characters. This is something the writers of Spider-man have failed to do time and time again. They are not bringing the A game to the title. Hell, they are not even bringing the B game to the title. They don’t have the balls to do a story that fans what to read because they would have to go head to head with their God, Joe Quesada.

Change is good when it is natural and makes sense to everyone that reads these characters. You just do not make false statements or go toe to toe with the readers. This is the real deal here. The readers pay for everything. The art, the writer, the EIC, the Inker, the Publisher, and even the paper which a book is printed on and to say they don’t is an insult to the readers. The Amazing Spider-man title for pervious 10 years was a main stay in the top ten in comic sales. Now, it is barely holding its own in top 20. What does that tell you about the writers of Amazing Spider-man? It should say they are the wrong people writing the book. It should also say that this experiment of changing writers every arc is a mistake. It time for some young blood to get at this character and do something to bring reader back to Spider-man. Spider-man is about responsibility and not youth. Spider-man is about trying to do the right thing even when you are wrong. It is about trying to find hope when there is no hope. It is about progression in Peter Parkers life and not repeating or acting like a teenager. It is not about writers living vacuously through Peter Parker and his sexual mistakes. It is not about writers trying to think they are better legends. Change the writers for Amazing Spider-man that really understand the character and the sales will go up because they will do what is best for the character, readers, and not the EIC.

Spider-man has become a joke. Marvel has become DC of the 80s trying to hip and fresh instead of printing stories that are worthy of the characters’ history. Marvel has become a platform for political rants and calling New Yorkers sheep. Marvel has become a place where writers and the EIC think the readers are stupid. The fact is those readers that have left are more intelligent then anyone at Marvel right now. Those readers know these characters far better than people working at Marvel because they understand the history. These readers have the ability to go to back issues and see what a great story that were written. These readers are not like the ones in 60s, 70s, or the 80s because they have access to more information now. It is time for writers and the EIC at Marvel to start wising up to that fact because they are insulting these readers’ intelligence.

The question was asked, “What can be done about this?” You can write letters to Marvel and Disney and not just one. Keep writing until the change happens because that is only way they will get the message. Flood their boxes with letters and e-mails telling them about your experiences with the writers via the ‘Net and their unprofessional behavior. You link to sites and message boards. You get your friends to help you and those that feel the same as you do about it. You start a blog and rant. You express yourself at your LCS about your view points. It does work over time because nothing is forever in comics especially arsine changes.


Berserkfury819 said...

Brilliant analyisis Walt. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Greg Manuel said...

Well said, my man - although I would contend that Marvel now has become the DC of the 50s - no sense of continuity, pure lowest common demoninator. The DC of the 80s (up until say, "Infinite Crisis") I would say was more of an attempt to do things the Marvel way, myself.