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Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Spider-man Needs to Get a Life

Peter Parker, what has change with the character since he become Spider-man. Well here is the list of what has change about the character after Uncle Ben died:

1. ….he wore a black costume for a little while….

Yep, that is it. Nothing about the character direction has change since that fateful night. I am not downplaying the Death of Gwen Stacy, but it wasn’t exactly something new in Peter’s life. Comparative speaking Gwen’s Death just add more guilt. That’s about it. We have a character that hasn’t grown beyond being a teenager. Still have the same job, same problems, and same experiences. In other words, the character is in stasis. We have all experience the times when writer went outside of the box, and it was fun for the most part. The character must grow beyond that little box that Stan Lee and others wrote in because the character will die due to being reparative. Those that worked at DC need to remember what happen to Superman after there was no change. That character became a joke. The same can be said of Peter Parker. Make no mistake, Peter Parker and not Spider-man is the interesting focus that kept us reading the book.

Peter Parker life hasn’t change since getting his degree (unless that has been Mephisto out too). We feel that Peter Parker needs to move beyond that little box that Stan started with in the 60’s. Let the character grow (I don’t mean age so shut up about that) and be organic. Peter needs to move on with his life and not stay the same forever. That is what used to be Marvel’s promise to the readers. This character will not be the same old thing all the time. We need to be honest here; is keeping the character mired in the past ideas really the best thing to draw more readers in?

People over the years have changes. They are more informed and more knowledgeable about what is going on. If the Braintrust was honest with themselves, they would admit this about their readers. People that are interested in Spider-man are going to go on the Internet. They will see what is being said about Amazing Spider-man. They will also see how vocal the people are about this current direction in the book. Some may decide to pick up the book or they may not. They will be informed about the direction and all that has been done.
Back to the characters, Peter should be trying to better his future. Why you ask? That is the core of the character. He has a desire to be better every day of his life or he wouldn’t be Spider-man in the first place. The writer’s mistake is that we want the same old Peter until the book is cancelled forever. To put this basically we need this to happen in order for more readers to be drawn to the book:

1. Peter gets a job that uses his degree.
2. Peter gets a life beyond being Spider-man.
3. Peter really needs be on his own.
4. Peter needs to grow up.

: Now before One More Day, that is the direction we were moving. Most of it was done to undo the marriage, but they found something the draw readers to the book. We like seeing Peter happy for a while. We liked that this was covering new ground beyond the same old stories. While the marriage was used a lot, the marriage was used correctly in the book. Some may not like the Other, Sins of the Past, or other things that happen in JMS run; it had a lot more people taking positive about the book. We debated what happen with rancor about certain stories compare to what is currently being offered by the Braintrust. This is what I mean by they lack style and the touch to tell good Spider-man stories.

In the last 2 years, the writers flatly refused to explain the effects of the deal. Why? Seriously why? I really don’t get the concept of keeping the reading in the dark this long about the effects of the deal or what happen to all the characters. We just get this little things that make no sense or effects that hurt the character. Face facts, Norman Osborn is most powerful man in Marvel Universe right now and Spider-man’s world barely has been touched. I thought Norman was Spider-man villain. It would have been a better story if Norman knew Peter’s secret identity. Now, that is the Parker Luck.

We seen too many hit and miss with the writing of Amazing Spider-man to be called anything beyond failure. It is a failure to bring new reader. Hello, it has been 2 years and the numbers haven’t changed if you want to use the distbution numbers. I know for a fact where I live that Amazing Spider-man is going more in the 50 cent bin than out the door when it is released. We know there are some that like the book, which is good for them, but this current direction of the character, has damaged the character for those that have read the book for the characters and not to read stories that have been done before a long time ago. The execution of the character development has been nil. There has been absolutely zero character development since One More Day. We have seen little beyond a few snippets of this character reason for being the way they are and that is bad writing. Example; the drunken hook up would have made a better story if Michelle had more depth beyond just being a bitch. Why is she like that? Why didn’t she kick Peter out when they first met? What was her reasoning? What is her background beyond being a lawyer? If there was a little more depth to the character, it could have a different reaction than the current direction.

I do give the writers a hard time because I wanted better stories from them. I wanted to like Amazing Spider-man or I wouldn’t have given it 60 issues. The writers failed. To use the words of friend of mine, this is an epic fail. Oh sure, this will picked apart to just a negative post about Amazing Spider-man, but it isn’t really. It is a clue for those writers that come here to snicker and point at the Deltas. It is clue to how you can possibly bring some of the reader that left to the book. Stop hammering the Parker Luck to death. Start allowing Peter and all the character to grow beyond the sophomoric versions you have now. Stop sticking to the Deltas. Start listening to the complaints about what is happening in the book. You may find out that we are right about a lot of things if you are really honest about it.