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Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Decade in Review of TSChamp

In 2000, we started the 21st Century with my family intact. By the end, I was fighting with every fiber of my being to keep it together from a person that wanted to destroy it, my ex-wife.

In 2001, things got worse, we moved in with her mother.

In 2002, things continued to go downhill and things began to take a toll on me mentally. I was very angry.

In 2003, I moved out in February. I was robbed in June, which led me to almost homeless if my boss didn’t help me out. Moved into a motel.

In 2004, I moved into small one bedroom place. The proudest moment for me in this new Century because I did all on my own for once. Change career path from plumber to cable guy. By the end of this year, my ex decided to lie about Thanksgiving and with hold my children from me.

In 2005, the year started off with a very depressed person. One that was extremely angry, violent, and hated himself to point of suicide was a real option. In March, woke up on the 21, looked in the mirror, and decided that it was time for a change. I looked into the mirror for months and told myself I love myself. By October, I was stronger and clearer than I had been years. My son came to live with me due to the school calling me about his appearance and a note they found in his backpack. With a clear thought no matter what that I will be there for him, everyone else can go fuck themselves.

In 2006, still working cable growing more confident in whom I am and being a father. Family stuff came up and felt powerless to do anything about it. The internet war of the ex started by hacking my MySpace account and my blog at the time. Which I laughed at for the first time, I grow beyond her ability to hurt me anymore with these attempts to hurt me. Besides, turnabout is fair game. Adopted the saying, I am an asshole and damn proud of it. Developed a code of honor which is to do what I felt is right and damn the consequences. My son grows to know who he is and where he is going. Made honor roll for the first time.

In 2007, worked with predator hunt for 6 months at the beginning of the year, Change jobs to satellite and went back to cable as a contractor. Son made the honor roll for the second time. Disappeared from the Internet because of needing a break from the fantasy world and dealt with reality. Grow stronger and tougher. Son started High School.

In 2008, with the help of a good friend move into a two bedroom place to be closer to my other kids. Started watching from the shadows and disappearing before being noticed. Son stated his desire to become and animator in Japan.

In 2009, mother needed help. Moved in with me to get straight on her health and monies. Return to Internet as better person and more in control of who I am. Got hurt on the job and was let go. The year ended with a new job offer and promise of better years ahead.

That is it in a nutshell. In the past 10 years, there were a lot of changes on mental level. The sad thing is that I waited until I was 35 to start figuring out who I was and what I can be. A journey that I still make every day. I have become stronger mentally with the idea of who I want to be and where I am going. It is going to be one hell of a journey still because there is a lot more that needs to be done before I stop. In fact, I am just getting warmed up and everyone better braced themselves because things will get more interesting from here. Happy New Year!