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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Conservatives are Right (So are the Liberals)

Taking a break from subjects that deal with Comic books, this is going to be a political rant. That means people will not agree with a lot that is about to me said here.

There two major ideologies in the American Political spectrum; those being Conservative and Liberal with the difference in ideology being in how the Federal Government should be used to help America. Conservatives, in general, are more about state rights and less government interference in people’s lives. The Liberals are about taking care of the American people and protecting American rights. Those are just broad views on the basic ideology of these two groups. They both have good ideas about how to help America. They also have extremist for their causes that tend to tarnish there public image.

Conservatives are correct when they say that Big Government is not what Americans want to have in their lives. The Federal Government should not be involved in our daily lives like it is now. They should have a very light touch on the grand scheme of things. The belief that communities can take care of their people is true and doesn’t need a big brother watching over them. A state can better decide what is best for those that live there compare to the Federal Government.

Conservatives also believe that the less money is taken from the rich is the best. That is partly true. It is true that top 10% of earners pay more in taxes and thus have more monies taxed by the Feds. The main problem with cutting taxes on that top 10% of earners is that they don’t spend money like the average American. A business teacher once said this in a class,” Rich people are rich for one reason. They don’t spend money. They save money.” Cutting taxes on that 10% will lessen money being put back into programs and services that are needed.

Conservatives are right about the entitlement mentality that some Americans display. The reason for this is because those programs and services offered by the Federal Government are not run properly. There is thinking, in some, that the average American needs help to achieve their dreams. That is partly true, but it is also true that if one doesn’t work hard to achieve their dream it isn’t appreciated. There has to be better guidelines and help for those on Welfare and other service, so they can be totally independent from those programs. There also has to be a limit to how many times Americans can use those services.

Liberals are right they we need to help those that can’t help themselves. They execute these ideas wrong. They create larger Government services which don’t really help Americans to achieve independence from these services. The best way is to give a helping hand to stand up and show these people the right way. Teach them how to fish, so they can feed themselves.

Liberals are correct that Green technology is the future. It must be an American industry that stays in America. I mean those jobs stay here and not shipped overseas. Green tech can create a new industrial revolution in this country if some would just stop fighting it. It also has to have an affordable price from the get go. Give tax breaks to those that use it and those that make it. If they are serious about this, they need to do something to make it appealing to everyone.

Liberal are correct to say there is corporate greed in America. They are wrong thinking it is everywhere. It goes back to the saying about one bad apple spoiling the bunch. Those that get too greedy are found and dealt with by companies that make these deals. The Federal Government needs to stay out of it completely. No bail outs or loans for these companies that keep people that have display these traits. Let them fall to the wayside and let another company take their place. That is the American way.

Liberal are correct in saying that the Health Care system is broken. They are wrong about the execution of fixing this problem. There does not need to be a new entitlement that will cause greater burden on the American people. They could create guidelines that could fix the majority of the problems in the Health Care field. Create tax breaks for companies that offer quality health care for people with meager means of support. Offer monies to those companies that create a wellness program that helps prevent major health problems. These all could be done without any major spending of taxpayer’s dollars.

Both camps have good ideas, but they fail on execution. The middle class America spend more disposable income that the 10% and that should be address by both camps. Tax breaks should never be just for one group, but it should be done in the way that all Americans feel it. If we take a real hard look at what the Federal Government has done since 1991, it isn’t much besides a bunch of bickering. The extremist are more concerned about placing blame than fixing the problems permanently. That is another trait that both camps share. They don’t look at long term effects of their execution of their ideas. It has been mostly quick fixes. It needs to stop and make long term changes for the good of all.