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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yes, I am supending all my extra activities for a couple weeks. I am doing this for a few reasons really: 1. I am pissed off all the time by people on the Internet. No, it isn't Dan Slott either. 2. I need to get back to place where I am having fun again here. Sure, the whole "Internet persona" that has been given to me is interesting, but it isn't me. 3. I need to deal with some family issues that have recently come up and need to take care of before moving forward. 4. Lastly, I may, just may, close this blog down and start a new. To put this to bed so to speak and reboot my blog. It will still have the same name and theme, but without the history of this one. Basically, I am trying to do this right. I started this whole thing with bad intentions and that isn't a good thing. I want BTP to be something I can be proud of without the baggage that this place has due to how it started. I am considering closing the doors here and opening a new place. I will let you know what I decide.