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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello to all CBR folks and Dan Slott. This here is my reply and the absolute truth.

I know it has been awhile since I actually wrote anything for my blog, but I decided to clear up some mysteries here. What is the big thing I have against Dan Slott? If those that read the very first post here can see he did something that really pissed me off. Was it the fact he was writing Spider-man? No. To be honest, I don’t care. Hell, I don’t like Geoff John’s Flash Reborn, but I wouldn’t go on a rant about it. Is it because of some of the things he has said in Interviews and message board? That is part of it. Frankly, I sometime find Dan is very unprofessional and hides behind the computer screen too much. Is it a personal thing? Yes, very much so now. Here is the truth and not some raving of whatever word Dan was trying to type at CBR. When I interact with any professional writer on any board, I am respectful. Are my posts or PM’s extremely long? Yes. In fact, they are long because I am expression a thought process. I am I expecting a reply? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Either way, it is nice to think you were at least heard that’s all. I was always respectful to Dan Slott. I invited him to Skype sessions. Why? Because I thought he was a talented writer and deserved a chance to speak to people that he could've a possibility to win over. I swear on the souls of my children there was no malicious intent nor was it a set up. Did he reply to it? No, I wasn’t expecting one, but I felt that it would be a nice to show Dan Slott that we wanted to hear from him directly in his voice. I figured what was the worst could happen? He would say no or nothing at all. I am fine with that. The simple fact is that I stood up for Dan in the Skype Session for a long time. Dan, if he is honest, we have to say that I told him I loved his She-Hulk and Thing runs. I also told him thank you for taking part of a thread about writers on another message board. I was respectful and polite. I was always respectful when I talked about Dan Slott everyone will tell you that about me. Yes, I had a problem with some things he said in interviews. Could they have been jokes? Yes, however, my point was they should have never been said in the first place when selling a product. That’s it. That was my point. The Dan Slott decided to talk about me behind my back on Skype with another member of a message board. I will not tolerate that especially after being respectful to every single message and post to him. Damn, straight it pissed me off. I will not be treated like by anyone ever again; I don’t care who they are. If he had a problem with me, then come to me like a man. I don’t run from criticism. In fact, I welcome it. I am not saying that I want a stream of “Fuck you Tschamp”, but I will at least read it. That is difference between me and Dan. I will read it. I will eventually reply to it. Then Dan has the nerve to call me a lair. I found funny because the proof is right there in my very first post here on my blog for you to read. I told where I got it and when it was release. I didn’t pull it out of my ass or make it up. Dan called fans” without souls” or SOULESS which means the same thing. Yes, in personal views I did go after Dan Slott guess why. He called me lair. If you also noticed, I said let it go Dan. I am not one that is going nuts here. You are Dan. I am just reacting to your actions toward me. It is a simple as that. I am treating you the way you have treated me. Don’t like it much do you Dan. Things do get back to me eventually because you are looking like the fool here and not me. I treated you with the respect of someone that worked hard to get in the position you are in now. Did I get that respect recuperated? No. In turn, you got what you dealt toward me Dan. I didn’t start this game. I rather have a nice discussion about your She-Hulk run, but you choose to do talk about me behind my back. It bit you in the ass. Then you choose to call me a lair. What part did I lie about Dan? That you are a talented writer? That you don’t act like a professional? That you talked to about me behind my back instead of to my face like a man? Or did I lie about the fact you called me a liar? I have been totally honest on my blog. He is another honest thing. This is only the third post I have done about you. I have done only one podcast about you, but that is because you choose to call me a liar. Here is another fact, you cause me to drop Amazing Spider-man by your actions. The golden rule of business Dan is this: The customer is always right. Even if you think they are wrong. Oh, thank Mr. Mets for posting a link to my blog on CBR. I haven’t post there for almost a year now, but it is nice for you to pimp my website. Oh, one more thing. My blog has nothing to do with that other messageboard which I will never name here. If it is name here, I will delete it. Why? They have shown me respect. Try it sometime Dan. Try treating people the way you wanted to be treated. I am not hiding nor do I talk about people behind their back. Hence, the reason why your name is used as tag for my blog, I wanted you to find it. I knew you found it because I am neither stupid nor crazy. Granted…I seriously doubt you got past the first paragraph and just jump to this last line. See ya around laughing boy… Oh. There is one more thing before I go off and laugh at you again. You may write Spider-man. I still don’t have to buy it. That makes me all shades of happy.